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Bredent Visio.lign article re published in Canada

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

It's been a good news day at the lab.

As well as some fantastic feedback and images on recent cases, we've just been contacted by our friends at Bredent UK to let us know that the head office in Germany would like to re publish Iain's Visio.lign article in a Canadian publication.

British dental technology, using excellent German materials being published in China and Canada. Well done Iain, well deserved recognition of your work and talent.

In the article Iain shows a step by step guide on how to go from setup to finish of a Visio.lign case on a CAD/CAM titanium framework.

Maybe they need someone to lecture out there too???

Visiolign Canada

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Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
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