| 01765 607347

Crowns and Bridges

We provide a full range of crowns and bridges to cater for every patient and dentist’s needs. Our skilled, qualified award winning team are knowledgeable and passionate, always striving for the best results every time. We always use the highest quality products and take time over every aesthetic detail in order to produce the best possible outcome. Due to our accuracy, we are proud to have just a 0.04% remake rate.

Our crown and bridge work is always of the highest quality and as aesthetically close to both the natural tooth, the dentists and patients requirements as we can possibly make it.

Our services include:
Multi-Density Translucent Zirconia crown
Multi-Density Translucent Zirconia bridge
Multi-Density Translucent Zirconia veneer
Resin Retained bridge (RRB)
Maryland retainer
Provisional crown, bridge, veneer.
Digital Smile Design
Rochette retainer
Single porcelain bonded crown
Porcelain bonded bridge abutment
Porcelain bonded bridge pontic
Porcelain bonded linked crowns
Gold lingual surface
Gold occlusal surface
Palladium free gold-alloy
Berrilium free non-precious alloy
All Gold
Full crown
Partial crown
Post & Core
Multi-Part post & cores
From a difficult anterior crown to full smile makeovers, we are dental implant restoration and veneer specialists for those who recognise and appreciate excellence.

Please contact us [link required] to discuss your requirements. 01765 607347.


In achieving the ultimate, natural-looking, high cosmetic dental restoration we mimic as closely as possible the composition of a natural tooth.

This process means the removal of any metal from within the build. There are many all-ceramic options available, from fully bondable Lucite and Lithium Disilicate reinforced pressed or milled ceramics to high-strength, shade-matched CADCAM monolithic made from Yttrium Stabilized Tetragonal Multi-Density Super-translucent Zirconias with incredible strength (900-1100mpa).

Applications of All Ceramic crowns, bridges and veneer services from Ambridge Ceramics:
Fully monolithic translucent zirconia crowns, bridges and veneers, all can have opaquer layer applied for covering discolorations of all underlying materials
Pressed ceramic crown cutback and layered (covers mildly discoloured preps at 1mm minimum thickness, can develop 2 shade adjustments e.g. A3 change to A1)
Layered build on high opacity nucleus (covers everything, metal, amalgam, darkest preps, not ideal for veneers due to thickness)
Monolithic pressed ceramic stained and glazed (covers mildly discoloured preps at 1mm minimum thickness, can develop 2 shade adjustments e.g. A3 change to A1)


At Ambridge Ceramics, when we have to use a metal alloy in a restoration we will choose from a selection of biocompatible, high quality dental alloys, You can assure your patients these are all palladium, beryllium and nickel free.

See below for the list of options available.


Single porcelain bonded crown
Porcelain bonded bridge abutment
Porcelain bonded bridge pontic
Porcelain bonded linked crown
Gold lingual surface
Gold occlusal surface


Porcelain Bonded single crown
Porcelain Bonded bridge abutment
Porcelain Bonded bridge pontic
Porcelain Bonded linked crown
Metal lingual surface
Metal occlusal surface


Maryland pontic
Maryland retainer
Provisional pontic
Rochette retainer


Full crown
Partial crown
Parallel post and core
Multi-part post and core


Ambridge Ceramics work with all hybrid-ceramic materials for example these two popular brands; Vita Enamic and GC Cerasmart.

Vita Enamic is a hybrid ceramic CADCAM material which allows us to provide a beautiful monolithic crown or veneer however relies on the natural tooth for translucency, making it more suitable for canine and premolar cases. This material is not only very strong, it is engineered to absorb the shock from the opposing dentition, making it an ideal restorative material to place upon implant structures and occlusally increased OVD cases.
GC CeraSmart boasts unprecedented opportunities for some clinical situations:
Being capable of absorbing shocks, CeraSmart is perfectly suited to challenging occlusal situations
Its sharp adaptation and resistance to chipping ensure a long-lasting marginal seal
Its balanced surface hardness will be especially beneficial in reducing the wear of the opposing dentition, while also ensuring a long lasting gloss of the restoration
Efficient milling process with a short milling time and enhanced service life of milling tools
Excellent polishability displaying an impressive gloss after a short polishing time
Easy characterisation using Optiglaze Color, in just a few moments


Gold and gold alloys are one of the oldest restoration materials used in dentistry and it is still widely prescribed and often requested. In fact, the Ambridge Ceramics team have been preparing all gold crowns for more than 35 years.

Gold has the unrivalled benefit of being anti-bacterial, highly polishable and kind to the opposing teeth. Modern gold is mixed with other metal alloys to increase its strength, which makes it very hardwearing, providing that all-important peace of mind in the restorations you provide for your patients.

Our gold crowns can be made silver or gold in colour.


CAD/CAM in dentistry is a field of prosthodontics using Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD & CAM) to improve the design and creation of dental restorations. This includes removable dental prostheses, crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays and onlays in fact all dental implant restorations.

Ambridge Ceramics have invested comprehensively in CADCAM capability and can accept intraoral scans from any manufacturers source. We also have the software to reliably manufacture prostheses model free.

Our laboratory runs the latest CADCAM systems, from 3Shape’s Dental Designer with 3Shapes E4 and D2000 twin camera Scanners coupled to Roland DWX 52dc and CEREC MCX5 5-Axis milling with in-lab 20 design software. This allows us to cover all aspects of restorative dentistry, implant abutments, milled bars in titanium, chrome, zirconia and the new high-performance polymers, all backed up with reliable case planning for complex combination cases.

about ambridge ceramics

Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
Ambridge Ceramics Ltd
Premier House
Kiln Court
College Road
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01765 607347
Fax: 01765 609088