| 01765 607347

Atlantis ISUS gains great interest from surgeons and technicians in Birmingham

Friday, 20 September 2013

We were blown away by the incredible interest in ISUS CAD/CAM technology for implant restorations last night in Birmingham. It was literally standing room only for the talk by Steve and Tim.

Here's Dr Tim Doswell giving a compelling presentation on the inconsistency and potential problems with outdated cast screw retained implant restorations.

Don't get us wrong, we love "hand made" items, in fact it's a label we look for, but only when we are at a local food market or craft shop.

When it comes to medical devices on implant fixtures however we prefer to offer our surgeons and their patients precise, clinically superior, consistent and cost effective screw retained implant restorations.

CAD/CAM isn't a revolution, it's just evolution.

If you would like to know more about CAD/CAM screw retained restorations from Atlantis ISUS or have a case in mind then we have a dedicated page for this on our site.


about ambridge ceramics

Ambridge Ceramics is well-known, multi-award winning and highly regarded leading cosmetic and implant dental laboratory based in the UK. Our dental team is carefully assembled from technicians who have the finest skills and experience from within the industry, providing the best quality for successful dentist and patient outcomes. Our dental technicians are renown for delivering restorations crafted with a combination of scientific expertise and artistic care.
Ambridge Ceramics Ltd
Premier House
Kiln Court
College Road
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01765 607347
Fax: 01765 609088